On the Road
16:00 - 16:15- welcome
Adriana Moscoso del Prado - General Director of Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture and Sports
16:15- 17:00- the evolution of video game development in spain
Chair: Borja Álvarez, Head of the Video Game Committee; Deputy Director of Cultural Industries and Patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Sport
Speakers: Javier Arévalo, Lead Game Developer, Lingokids
Alberto García-Baquero Vega, Developer and entrepreneur, Golden Race
17.00- 17.45 - boundaries of exclusive rights and video games
Chair - Mabel Klimt - President of DENAE
Speaker: Andy Ramos, Counsel at Pérez-Llorca
17:45- 18.00 - break
18:00 - 19:00 - keynote- legal tips when negotiating with a publisher
Speaker: David Greenspan, University of Santa Clara, Former legal counsel at Sony Computer Entertainment and Bandai NAMCO and Lead author of Mastering the Game
19:00- 20.00 - video games, gamers, esports and licensing
Chair: Dr. Gaetano Dimita, Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law, CCLS, QMUL
Speakers: Blanca de Planchard de Cussac, Lawyer at Écija
Jorge Schnura Becerro, Vice President Strategy at OverActive Media Corp., Mad Lions
Virginia Calvo - Co-owner and PR of Vodafone Giants Gaming Esports (TBC)
20.00- 20.15 - closing remarks
Mabel Klimt & Dr. Gaetano Dimita