On the Road
6 June 2019
maastricht university - faculty of law
13.00-13.20 - Registration
13.20-13.30 - Welcome
13.30-14.45 - Video games as copyright works and interactive storytelling
The speakers will address the legal qualification of video games as a computer programme or a copyright work. Also, the legal protection for board games and how that may change when games are offered in a digital context will be addressed.
Chair: Gaetano Dimita (Queen Mary University of London)
“Games according to Dutch law: copyright work or computer programme?”
Rene Otto (Laywer Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten)
“Legal Protection of Board Games from classic to digital”
Philip Usadel (Legal Counsel Ravensburger AG)
14.45-15.15 - Break
15.15-16.30 - Serious games in health care
This panel will address the impact of medical device law and the GDPR on the development and functioning of games used in healthcare.
Chair: Anke Moerland (Maastricht University)
Rik Geurts (Lawyer Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten)
Jurriaan van Rijswijk (Games for Health Foundation)
16.30-17.15 - Fireside chat on the role of competition law in the video game industry and platform
Chair: Anselm Kamperman Sanders (Maastricht University)
Andrea Rizzi (Partner Insight Studio Legale)
Thomas Graf (Lawyer Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP)
17.15-18.00 - Networking snacks and drinks